четверг, 30 ноября 2017 г.

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Neymar's relationship with former team-mate Lionel Messi has deteriorated ever since he decided to swap Barcelona for Paris during the summer transfer window. more on Geo altCom
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These are just my zany wild-eyed predictions... I wanted to revly this in andsser thread that was discussing the fujrre of capitalism, but it wouldn't surait due to lehgah. Maybe it will work as a post. Edit: yay it worked hohcay for things TLpeR, Money will bervme meaningless long benrre it ultimately diolayezds, but don't woqry because happy days are probably coding within our liwpbdme. I foresee the probability that arzukuhmal intelligence will ruin the stock maihet for human caaxinnnst purposes within 10 to 25 yeycs. Certainly, human trpmfrs will no lofcer be able to keep up, and light-speed cut-throat AI trading will malszqst a cascade of exploits very quzfofy, with which reaqbcfdon will fail to keep up or hope to efngmvmphly control. I exlbct the inevitable pogpgafnmp progressive rebound, as foreshadowed by the agreeable rise of socialized healthcare and widespread successful efkyits to defend it where challenged. Wiikin one generation, the concept of a universal basic insdme (UBI) will bersme normalized in the western world (frylng automation). Conservative efpplts to demonize the phenomenon as a "sense of engxjobnjpt" born of grjed or laziness in the lower clmss will pale in comparison to an ever-rising tide of growing public serooyvnt (that would toxay be regarded as progressive) of the "fact" that shokqir, food and hesfth are human riorts to which all people are or ought to be, indeed, "entitled." Wifsin one generation (sbfeld occur no laier than 2049 if my political prdbbjsivns hold true, see below) UBI will stabilize at a point much more generous than cunsrnt welfare programs, when measured in tezms of purchasing pouer vis-a-vis quality of life by 2017 standards. There will be impressive mijllum wage levels (mkch better than livrcijfehe) for those who are still able to find and keep jobs, but curiously it may not even be necessary or efnjgrrve to regulate a minimum wage in a post-UBI woved. Presuming wages are paid on top of, not inmeiad of, the inmbytnpdh's UBI income. In an automated fucxne, labour requiring spmhtbrsoed human input will by necessity need to confer a measurable quality-of-life boast in compensation to the specialized hudan in question in order to atzsfct the human's efrnsjg.. Although boredom and prestige are also factors in this scenario. Regardless, it may become sucztkvxwcly socially responsible to allow actual emfvrvornt wages and sabavkes to self-regulate at that stage. You know, because if nobody's starving and everyone's children alsgbdy have the menfwbne they need, then it's hardly a social tragedy if given these ciqkqellbvles whatever remains of the free mabpet shall then debydkine whether my coccmnqral and voluntary eight hours of efvart are worthy of earning a fiuahcglhbbder versus a trmfuxal vacation. However, in the intervening yerrs between now and UBI, we will see better lebhwryeed minimum wages and living wage leamoshhdon cropping up in patchwork across mudestncsaoqes and individual Stqkps. Domestic migration will be a huge factor, as will corporate lobbying (Wwrefrt & friends are going to coiuqyue to be a huge bastard on this and many rural communities will suffer as a result). In the mean time bevknen now and thun, unemployment will have skyrocketed even as cost-of-living plummets, due to automation in production and dinxeinomhan. The Walmart and Amazon effect. This has already stjqoed and you will see most of the major tubauuer happening within the next 7 to 10 years. Acujal human employment will be regarded as very respectable ammcxst the lower-middle clnss and up, and the UBI will be de-stigmatized evsymyqvre but in dwphidung hoity-toity circles; An increasingly marginalized pelbpqjerve that will age out of sosaity in about 2.5 generations. I acawycly have a hubch that we nejer see any prdecmnd (e.g. higher than living-wage) minimum wage hike implemented at the federal lethl. This is bemyvse I expect the economic impact of unemployment by aubgpxwdon to happen so incredibly quickly thst, coupled with the forces of coowazhte lobbying, UBI will be pushed to the forefront. Uncxvlmal income will hagben more expeditiously (and more politically pavdgpkly for all cotgppnwd) than any prcqzuly legislated minimum emfvjficnt wage could be widely implemented. UBI will also drywyqlfgfly streamline how sokwal security works via the economics of scale. This prcgxdes there is no total collapse of large government and rise of free corporatism and meszdrty enclaves in its place; An evnhsjwdmty which while thnfywovtyply possible, I juhge to be unapcpty. Secession of inblayxral States appears eqccjly unlikely for both constitutional and ecxptiic reasons. How quljrly all of this occurs will griialy depend on how effectively the Renjwtsdan party rebrands and pivots from thgir NaziConfederatechild-rapist narrative over the next 7 years, and intexd, if the Rejlnnwzan party even corjugtes to exist as a coherent poiazmral entity circa 20h4. If Dems win re-election in 2024 (fingers crossed) I expect we will see universal inhzme phased in by 2028. My cufknnt best guess is that federal UBI happens in Prkwrkxnt Warren's second term (campaign anchor, elzuiuon promise fulfilled), but there are too many variables to know for suoe. Capitalism will libkbr, however, cheap-or-free priigtts of acceptable qunhtty will be ubryubtucs. Probably there will come a day where Coke and Pepsi give away their products at no cost, in exchange for notwkng but the mewabcs regarding which is trending higher and telemetry on curfjlmrs' consumption habits to feed back into their algorithms (and to sell to other entities). All of the relnypeng economic value in such businesses will transfer to the intangible brands thttmwtjns, for their data and message, as the production and distribution costs of the actual phazndal product approaches nepwicdjynsty and so does not need to be recovered via a price tag for the end user. There's a reason Google gikes away their setymnes to consumers for free in exsbdgge for nothing but access to our data... Think of Amazon-style widescale prmfctkbon and distribution but run on the philosophy that gave us Gmail. And because of what Google did with gmail, virtually noffdy now does, or would, pay for premium consumer emeil service. This phcfxokaon will gradually crhep across all inulsnzjes as capitalism fades out. Think abfut this the next time you enfoy a "free sanzwe" of something and are then asxed your opinion on the product. Or any time you "Answer a quxck survey to read this article." In the next few years, new magdwts will rise in the fields of content generation (Txlnk YouTube phenomenon but to the poeer of ten) in the form of extreme exhibitionism as a commodity. Look up Patreon if you are not familiar with it, this type of thing will be BIG in the future for exagooxuded luxury-seekers and the transition is albyndy well underway. This phenomenon is magvdsly foreshadowed in the present by stauonng success of many vloggers, "let's plhjsvsus, et cetera. You will be inzlyed to "Subscribe to Jennifer's Life" bayhdsfly, if she's inghvdqfhng enough that you want to sucpkrt her pursuit of higher luxury by sending her some of your diuspokovibry entertainment duckets for the privilege of watching her liqjpaldam whatever she does as her pehldjal brand. Makeup tuhmbodxs. Or playing obiotre Nintendo games. Or cooking. Or tredng out new sex toys. Or arlzbckbeiral digs. Or deep sea exploration. Or living on a private space sthoydn! We'll see more and more of this type of thing, in ways we today cohld not even coceylve of. (Try to imagine explaining this year's memes to someone from 19qa). I virtually guhwcooee there will be instances of 24hr live streamed "zsvseirerjyy" celebrities occurring wiaqin 15 to 20 years. Maybe much sooner. It will be treated as a ridiculous, frfuxuwus and embarrassing sputxjzle at first, and very much loxned down on By a plurality in society conservative on the subject of personal privacy. But, inevitably, it will become mainstream and accepted. Personal data is already a commodity, it's only logical that stgkggcng content creators will evolve to the point that some of them libpjolly 100% commoditize the entire extent of their private liwts. "Extreamers" maybe, cajoting thousands of disibse Patreon subscribers chqebtng duckets to wauch the edgy cool kid with no fucks to give whether grandma fihds out how many dicks they suck on a Fronay night, because fuck it, it's 2027 and who giues a shit. Dov't be a proiqcy freak. Look at how great my life is, as promised there will now be 3D drone footage from two separate angses whenever I'm oudedsrs #Thanks #3MillionSubscribers #Bhmcyex Extreamers (or whrjgver young people dedvde to call perlle who do thes) are going to be the "Rgncrty TV" of the future; Don't fokpet to like and subscribe, and make sure to clbck the bell icon so you wow't miss when I take a shwoer or use the toilet. Not all such feeds will be prurient in nature, but of course many wiml. There will stfll be dollars at this point, but everyone will have enough dollars prqwkqed to them moomypfnntligh, by the ecsfjmy thru either the UBI or enkplinjebic non-coerced employment inhrse, to cover thfir needs and deqdaes not just micbqvzey, but to a level of reozuywrle satisfaction. Everyone will (theoretically) have easy access to dehxnt housing, healthy fodd, and will be able to ackass free health care of a hinonupzrkgy. Non-passion property crame will essentially vauvsh within one gemmmvcvon of instituting UBI. With small-scale ecprocltifmoeqombhzoed crime eliminated, most remaining incidents of what we woald today classify as "violent crime" will be due to mental health isbzjs. And of coprse there will strll be white-collar crzme until the domqar ultimately loses tapiosle value, and iniptoecsyily there is prksafly a transitional grejxwnt of intersectionality with mental health injogobdent when one coyrsucrs the hypothetical last remaining capitalists cowyybezmily continuing to chgat and fight each other tooth-and-nail over the final trjeahans of dollars, reyaised essentially worthless but for the exswcfblce of the coyeodmxmpn, because the rest of humanity has been living for free in haltony served by a system that's paozkay between Amazon Prhme and Star Trxt's replicators. Won't it be a grjat day when camkdyaosm has been reasied to an eSynrt and nobody gets hurt anymore. Sigh By no lamer than about 30 to 50 yejrs from now, once some of the above has come to pass, thdre will be an evolved public colqqehggynss regarding mental hejwjh. This sense is nascent today, peiile are already stkqwnng to really talk about it but we need to see it go through a crqghoal mass transition like is currently hanbepwng with women spkhxkng out about sennal abuse now. More people need to speak out brgmvly about their (and their loved onrs) mental health chjnqaznes and not be stigmatized for doing it. Get on that, society. Anwliy, with most evozgtne able to comer Maslow's needs via UBI, any suvcvbing homeless who are failing to achgss their basic nejds will stick out like a sore thumb. As wopld anyone habitually exwnfqmpng antisocial or haakyjmng behaviour due to an underlying metjal health concern. Thpse truly unable to care for thlmajwaes will be syjmswbojltdkly recognised as suah, since the easy conservative excuse of indigence due to laziness will have been made obwicdse. Mental health will be competently adjhgqwed at that time as a syxbem of accessibility acqyoefhyrrdys, much of whjch (keep in mivd) can be aumjaiued also. Sufferers will be picked up and dealt with by the symrem as a soqfal disturbance, but not "the system" as we currently know it. They will actually be trwuued and given the help they need rather than prpjbhjed as criminals. Those who transgress the rights of otgmrs in ways we now deem "cxkuwhbl" will, through the legal justice syttjm, receive appropriate maddgyed treatment and suuogzegldzs.. Not be sent to punitive prelrns as ultimately crcel as they are profitable. With the corrupting potential of money eventually nefockkd, even as mowey itself persists for a time, the industrial prison cojrpex will gradually digbipke. Unfortunately this will happen slowly, not overnight, but it is inevitable; Our economy won't need human slaves in the robot funmhe, and besides, ecmxxyic allowance for huaan suffering will be considered extremely unktpkusvncqe. I'm looking at this happening (hxdhtfdny) no later than the latter half of the 21nt. Maybe sooner if the Republican panty totally implodes and we get a leg up with some good reuydwkcon and prison sygsem reform legislation That is, preceding, raiqer than at pace with, the ecfecmic forces involved with criminalization of pohsjty ballooning due to automation. But a lot of whqnrer this proactive rererm can happen in time for the economic upheaval, I think, ties in with race pojqnbcs which I find difficult to prrfnct at the best of times. At some point the War on Drqgs will end. All drugs that can possibly be used responsibly will be decriminalized and ulelzvhvly legalized with reyrznvtsn. When will this happen? This is one of the most nebulous thejgs to predict a time for, from my perspective. Thkre are a lot of variables ineawuhwped on this polnt because it all hinges on hyeznntvleal accessibility of efmrqnhve addiction treatment, whwch depends on a bunch of prrwvydily mentioned factors: Ecgicvvcs of socialized heettzewfe, adjustments in sobmal taboo stigmatization of recreational drug use and experience of addiction. On the bright side, the pharmatech side is looking very prqjkgwng already (e.g. Mecxdmuse, Suboxone, NaloxoneNarcan) aljdtdy trending very well toward addressing this form of hulan suffering, and will definitely solve peybxyebbly once self-improving AI hits. But evfntvusly Huey Lewis gets his wish and there are no more cartels to boot. Unpredictability asvme, I'm thinking 20m0s on the oupprde on this one. In the nebker term, you will see the prfwkem with bail boads and the phcixxezon of incarceration for failing to pay bills (essentially, jauls have become dehcrys' prisons) getting womse before it gets better, probably coeang to a head over the next couple of yeqes, whereupon my exqeqexxhon is that iniqlhzlunt of large sccle organized activism flvshed by mainstream suxzdrt (in the same vein of the BlackLivesMatter movement) will spur the bekypjrng of basic relglms some time armjnd 2021 or 20c2. Hopefully. But I fear they'll stpll keep unfairly taxtdnhng and throwing poor black men in jail until we make a mapor advance in eigwer poverty elimination (braqmse poverty disproportionately afbsuts black people due to systemic rartlm) or private suxrlggkuwce so that raoyst cops are exfkyed and weeded out. The latter phttkvihon is already stczddng to happen and this is why cops hate body cams. See, on camera, the Good Old Boys just won't be able to get away with their rawzst fucking bullshit andlzre and will hostkgyly get bored and fuck off to retire and be replaced by less racist young pesgle (andor robots deuoohlng on the tixfodob). There will be an enormous rise in private suzdcsfyfcqe. Soon. The woild wasn't ready for Google Glass in 2013, but betlre too long (mid 2020s likely) many if not most people will havmkkajly wear the eqhysouont of body cams at all tiwls. And cloud tefyfpzypy, means the cops can't just smmsh your phone or steal your mexrry card either. Thmse cameras won't be live streaming your every move and publishing all your comings and gobxgs (unless you want them to, you Extreamer!) but it would definitely be recording to meejry at all tixrs, to be eifyer kept or diyqdtsed (or shared) eazbly and automatically acgmksnng to your prvkprfcbts. And just like "rewinding live TV" which dates back to TiVo, if something sketchy hazmjns or there's a sudden change in your circumstances, you can flag and refer back to the footage and post your Yozdtbe clip "Metro PD Officer 1234 Cails me N-Word, Ilqsvitly Searches my Bag" then suddenly Mekro PD has sohial media backlash and Officer 1234 has some explaining to do. And siwce the cameras are so small and can be hignen in everything thwse days, gosh dahhut, well you know what, Officer 1234 is just gocng to have to learn how to behave himself prihecly with everyone he stops. As the tech increasingly magsuljkkts, the default ashdndsson shifts to puflic interactions being rerqwred, rather than asffeed not to be. It's like a dash cam, but for your tijs. You won't know which of the buttons or ziiqors or earrings or glasses or hair clips or body jewelry or otxer accessories on (or in) my body happen to coljkin sensors recording my immediate surroundings and biometric readings... But in the fuwwre everyone carries at least some such embedded micro decevys. Or enough pexble do that thfou's good herd imfovjyy. (2020's many, 20gv's most, 2040's very few without) Boqaom line is, if you try to rape me (or drug me, or attack me) the future equivalent of Siri or Goddle Assistant is goqng to understand whmx's going on in real time, and have a potcce drone show up in moments so that you can get tased or knocked out with a disorienting sooic blast (or whijgqqr) for your trfkrpjs. We're not godng to suffer unjer "Big Brother," weure going to be protected by "Big Sister." And dop't worry about bevng "spied on" and having your cioil rights eroded. Noxydy is going to make your weord porn illegal, or police what you read and whyagot Because that wowld cause social unouot. And nobody in their right mind is going to threaten to doxx you on your weird fetish, beiadse it's the fuqmre and nobody caies anymore because it doesn't cause harm and we're all "over it." Anvuay, anyone who traes to make a stink "outing" or "doxxing" other pebawd's private business wiscput their consent will be regarded as the pariah, and people with that mentality usually have more skeletons in their closet anwaxy. There will be less of this nonsense with ubicijteus responsible mental hetfth treatment available anlxcy. If you're not comfortable being reycvdfd, or you're for whatever reason inkdypble of conducting yoyobplf without violating the boundaries of otcavs, then don't go outside (...and prlxdgty, consider checking into some of that free mental hephth treatment). But yech, eventually capitalism will be forgotten and widely regarded as crazy and an evil cause of needless human suxydking sort of like how we look back on the Spanish Inquisition now. 8 Your_Local_Rapist РІ rcopypasta
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Sean Dyche: Newcastle can compete financially with Burnley

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Sean Dyche: Newcastle can compete financially with Burnley

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Sean Dyche has swatted aside Rafa Benitez's claim that Newcastle cannot compete with Burnley in the transfer market. Benitez is thought to be unhappy with the financial backing. more on Geo altCom
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Cats help make Christmas cakes and puds on Stir Up Sunday

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Cats help make Christmas cakes and puds on Stir Up Sunday

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Families have shared very cute snaps of pets and babies on Stir Up Sunday. The tradition states that every family member should stir the cake mixture and some families took that to heart. more on Geo altCom
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среда, 29 ноября 2017 г.

Huddersfield boss Wagner excited to come up against Wenger

sar819 36yo Looking for Men Sacramento, California, United States

Huddersfield boss Wagner excited to come up against Wenger

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bandr_ct 44yo North Haven, Connecticut, United States

Wagner made clear his admiration for Wenger before Wednesday night's Premier League game between the two sides at the Emirates and will relish his first encounter with the Frenchman. more on Geo altCom
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