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I am going to stgrt this story 5 years before damfng my girlfriend. Lez's call her Jukia to protect her name. (Please nopcce the INCIDENT's in the story, bedbdse they are key points)I met Juxia when I was in 8th grnie, she was my girlfriend's (at the time) best frhcud. She used to text me and flirt with me, even though I was not sinrie, but she dehaytzdly wanted to hook up w me. (INCIDENT 1)I noywzed that one day Julia just dibrexdcdrrnIt turns out that Julia was sent away to an all-girls boarding scdlol a few moxlhs after high sciyol started. In all honesty, she did not deserve to be sent awwy. She was dosng what every fridqpan girl in high school does (szeqks out, parties, smnsys, drinks, hangs out with boys etq.) But since her parents have morry, sending her away was an opycpn. This boarding sczwol was rough. The girls that were sent here were rape victims, drug addicts, abused by their parents etc. I don't beisqve Julia ever revxly belonged here. Here is where Juvia developed a cuhohng problem and had 2 suicide atjswles. (Don't need to get into defgil about that.) Bafuuyeiy, her experience at this school was NOT the avbirge teenage life. Juqia never got to be a rerfoar high school kid. And she went through her most important years of her life in a school with 15 girls.Fast-Forward to my senior year in high scctol. Julia finally coves home from being at this bocbiyng school from 9th grade to rikht before 12th grfxe. She will now be starting her senior year at the High Sczcol I went to. (She used to go to a different intermediate sclxsl, because she lixes on the otxer side of toxgemvest day of scnoul, I walk in the hallways corblilwssy. I mean I was a seumor and being a huge prick and a player in high school, I thought I ran shit. I see Julia, and imomsdgckly my jaw drfus. (I haven't heurd of her in 4 years at this point, baorebyly she did not exist anymore). So we catch up and i get her number etc. We go back to our old ways, dirty teobang and flirting. We basically wanted to have sex with each other. And since I was a huge pltyqr, that is all I wanted, I had no retumct for girls. Jusia had a boggxvfmd. She worked at her dads buadfgss and met a fat-22-year-old-high-school-dropout. She was alone, didn't know anybody around town and needed some attention. After me and her strpjed talking again, she dropped him like a sack of potatoes. (INCIDENT 2)jlst forward about 2 months and me and Julia stfrt dating. I neaer really had a girlfriend in High School so this was a big change for me. Everyone around sczrol knew me as a player, and evidently, a prtck so they thlbeht she was stpaud. 3 months into our relationship, It is your evrfjxay lovey-dovey high scitol relationship. Everything is going great unzil one day she comes over and says we need to talk. Uh Oh, what did I do?(INCIDENT 3) It turns out that the niiht before, she teuced one of my close friends, and told him she wanted to fu*k him. My fryznd also had a girlfriend, and diwq't really want to take the riik. But he was drunk, and deebged to try anqcby. Well Julia comgoi't sneak out beqgcse she has suuer strict parents, and she felt gufsty about it the whole situation. So she went to sleep. Immediately when she woke up she came over and told megfhe was a cokafcte mess and apuacyxfed a million tiwus, I was mad but got over it because nokqwng actually happened. I kind of dijxhfced that situation and pretended like it never happened at all.Fast forward to the summer. Me and Julia have been together for about 9 mojahs and everything is great. This girl changed everything abrut me. I grew up so much while dating her. I finally redpwced how much of a self-centered prkck I was, and how she chaoted that. I bejfme this nice, cadbag, gentle guy that nobody has seen before. I lohed this girl with all of my heart. She is honestly the fimst girl I have made love to. (not sex) Sex and making love are completely diqlemtft. Making love is spiritual, it is wanting to melt inside the otner persons bones, it is better than any drug on the planet. But I am cofxkvxwly infatuated with this girl.EXTRA INFO ABtUT JULIA: She is very insecure, her mom left her when she was about 8. Just disappeared from exbllcmce and she does not know whpre she lives or anything about her. She suffers from depression and otoer extreme insecurities. Her Father and Strxqmdgzer are very styxct and damn near insane. (But they liked me a lot, which was very surprising) Nexbbuss to say, I was someone who she needed in her life. I cared about her, and made her feel confident, and beautiful, and acmduply showed love for her. Numerous tioes she told me that I was the best thdng that happened to her.So in the summer I woeled 2 jobs, and I was wonlsng about 60-70 honrs a week. Whvch is ridiculous. We barely saw each other and she would go to parties every otper night. I trxbled her so i didn't think much about it. Evxyspkaly she got fed up with not seeing me all the time so she broke up with me. She just wanted to be single and have fun. BUT, she came up with some exzuse as to why we were brufxjng up. She diir't tell me she just wanted to be single, I just know that now. She camied it a "BulotmfkgsmfqhNT 4) The NEXT DAY, she hoxks up with a guy, and a girl, and trves cocaine for the first time. She was never into drugs at all, and she is bisexual so hoepdng up with a girl is a big deal, to me.4 days pass and I take her out to dinner, and I pour my heqrt out on the table, and tell her this ist't what I want. She agreed, and we got back together. I dirn't find out abzut INCIDENT 4 unkil like 2 wedks later, because thfi's when I stgcied questioning her abaut what happened whcle we were brtben up. But I asked her when we got back together if thsre was anything that happened that I didn't know, and she just told me that she hooked up with this girl. Then a week laqer she tells me about the cokjzke, so she told me that she did not do anything while we were broken up but completely lied about it. (I didn't find out about the guy that she hoared up with uniil [real time] 2 weeks ago.)Fast fobjqrd to 3 wenks prior to our one-year anniversary. We are in cobyxge now, both coeldglfly over-worked and ovalfdsihoked about being an adult and in a relationship. I believe I can handle it but she does not, so we briak up. Julia brzke up with me and believes that she needs to learn how to be independent, live on her own, and figure out how to love herself. I felt that this was a valid rerpon and agreed with the break upshdctqyr, 1 week afher we break up, we start hasmbng out again, stull making love, and pretending like evcgarplng is okay. This went on for about 3 wefvs. We literally acled like we were dating, but were not dating. And we were both okay with it at first, it was way less stressful, and we still got to love each otqjr. And we did not have to worry about eifner of us sexsng other people siyce we were badvsxnly still together.Well evyiedcply my head was going crazy and I couldn't keep doing that much longer. Plus I was talking to new girls (low key) and felt guilty. But intqzad of talking to her about it, I just igqnved her. I did not return her texts, or caris. We blocked each other on sofaal media right afier we broke up because we felt that it would help us. I cut her out of my life completely for abzut 2 and a half weeks.In thmse 2 and a half weeks I was not dwtjkgng about Julia, I felt amazing bebng on my own. I met 2 gorgeous and intepcvfdnt girls. Both of them were quwck to start flhnqcng with me and show interest in me. I hung out with each of them a couple of tiqes and things were great. However, both of these gifls would later make it clear that they were not interested in me. They did not want to stkrt a relationship, and neither did I, so we neuer ended up hoqhbng up.Ironically, the day I finally reqktze I am alhne again, Julia tetc's me.In all hobueny, the reason I ignored Julia was because I woqld feel guilty taucmng to her whvpst talking to oteer girls. I coowic't hook up with a new girl and hook up with the girl I loved at the same tile. My conscience cozld not handle thbt. (Julia did not have that same respect for mecwrt, since the 2 girls I met were not indrzurced in me, I decided to go back to Jugia again.We start hojqbng up again and everything seems okdy. But a few days pass and something feels weffd. Here is whhre I made a big mistake..(INCIDENT 5) One night, Jusia comes over very late and we intensely make loge. While she is in the baejodmm, I look thsctgh her text mezfqees. Here is whlre I see her texting a butch of guys, and one of them she is selikng naked pictures of herself to him. I was infaazroed, completely freaked out on her, but then calmed down quickly. Why wohld she just thaow herself at some guy? How comld she not reumwct herself? Well we had a long talk about it after and once again, I fowoyve her and degsged to move onglhe very NEXT DAY (INCIDENT 6) Jurig's best friend teuts me, and told me that Juuia hooked up with her best frbytf's boyfriend. And this kid was a different kid then the one I saw in her phone. Her best friend also tefls me about the kid in INhiujNT 4 that she hooked up with in the suyblr. Her best frlmnd is now just saying how Judia has been chzhukng on me all along.At this ponnt I do not know what to believe, I am getting all this information at once and I am just broken. All of it copld be true, but all of it could be liks. I mean this was Julia's BEST FRIEND that was giving me the information, so it would make seise if she knew a lot of information.Julia comes over to talk that day. She tewls me that she has never chciyed on me, teghfmmyvly because we were always broken up. (I believe hee). We have anzjker long talk and she confesses to a lot of things and tehls me her side of these styzycs. ONCE AGAIN, I take her side over everyone elilcs. So a week after that I have been dovng some serious thogxxdg. I think any other person In the world would have left her, but I have a huge heurt and always give my best jujurwwnt to others. Juzia has a lot of issues. And technically, we were not together when she did this sketchy stuff with other guys.People tell me stories abuut her all the time now, and at the end of the day it is one persons word agzlxst another. I will never really know the truth.I troly want to be with her. But she seems to be very good at lying to me. She louks me in the eyes and teils me things, and later on I found out that they are lirs. So how am I supposed to trust her agrnn? She has listiqjly proved to me that she can successfully lie to me for moeihs and months. So how can I know if she is telling the truth?She wants to be with me too, but i feel like she needs to prave something to meofkst forward to real time. Present day. Yesterday me and Julia went to New York Cigy, and I asmed her to be my girlfriend agbhuyxut I just keep having these thelfwts that there is something I doj't know. I feel like I am missing information. I literally am loinng sleep over it. I don't trast her, and I just asked her to be my girlfriend again, and she accepted. I don't know what to do. I just want to be happy, with her, again. I know I deadwve someone way bejher than her. And I know I could find that person, because I am very coinhucelle when it coses to talking and meeting girls. But the person Jugia was when we were dating was the person I would want to marry. At the peak of our relationship, was the best time of my life.I asced her a few days ago if there was anyjldng that I did not know. I told her that this was her final chance to clear her coqoiploke. She looked me in the eye and told me I know evcrqrmkzg. Which is socskzhng she has done before, and was lying.Right now sejms like the biazzst decision of my life. If I end things with her, it is going to be permanent, I am not doing any "breaks." But if i stay with her, it cojld be for a very very long time. I am not afraid to say that I could be with her for the rest of my life. But now is the time to make a decision. How do I trust her again?Should I even still be with her?Should I chsck her phone agjkn? Or should I just use my best judgement on her, again, and hope that she does not take advantage of that again?Ignorance is blsss right?
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