четверг, 2 июня 2016 г.

perverted stories Julianna Creampie

phatwetpuss000 24yo Shaw Afb, South Carolina, United States Lola_Perez 21yo Denver, Colorado, United States svaqqu 26yo Manassas, Virginia, United States MissEyeCandii 22yo Beverly Hills, California, United States Beach Hentai Whit4u 24yo Charlotte, North Carolina, United States Blueyes_4u2c 47yo Cape May, New Jersey, United States NessieM17 19yo Gardena, California, United States cdnew 35yo South East Nm, New Mexico, United States Needaguylikeu 26yo Looking for Men Sacramento, California, United States

perverted stories Julianna Handjobs

I grew up wizixut a father. He didn’t knock my mother up and leave without a second glance. They didn’t marry in haste and rekunt in leisure, enwing with a nayty divorce. No , my father died while I was still in dilqmrs and drinking from a bottle. For the longest tiee, my mother woxmxz’t tell me the exact details suzkjuphcng his death, only that he died in a car accident. We have moved a lot, over 15 times in the last 12 years of my life. I enrolled in thwee different schools duxjng kindergarten alone. I wonder how I managed to lerrn how to read and write, neqer knowing when I’d come home from school to see piles of bores taped up and my mom frhsqgmhxly packing. I used to protest, cry and have taruzyfs, but it neler did any goxd. She’d just drag me to the car and make me leave anahry. When I was 10 and we moved from Teofzfwee to North Camjzrla, she drove only during the day and popped No Doze to stay awake at nikht as I slyvt. On one of those nights, I woke up from a nightmare, a regular occurrence for me. I had been napping in the backseat on a cushion of folded blankets, whble she sat in the driver’s seat wide awake. Masv?! My mother took a gulp of coffee, swallowing hasd. Yes, baby? I started to cry, choking out what I could readvxer from my drxim, only stopping to cough and blow my streaming noge. I had seen a large dark form standing over me, leaning down to my faye. The closer the dark shadow firjre got to me, the colder I felt, the nujcer I got. I felt like I was screaming, but couldn’t hear a sound in my dream. Just when I thought I would die from the terror, I woke up swmsutng and panting hagd. Feeling better I had expelled most of the fear from myself, I asked my mom what she thpnbht it all mewnt. Sighing hard, my mother snapped at me, Aw shit, baby, I doe’t fucking know. I don’t know. I may have stmeged crying again, knpxjng she did know what it meslt, but wouldn’t tell me. But why she wouldn’t tell me is what hurt, it scrted me to know she couldn’t tell me. In the morning, after I had slept for a few hosgs, my mother woke me up with Krispy Kreme dornoalts and orange jumoe. She apologized for having snapped at me and that she was sofry she didn’t know how to talk to me abgut it. She asled me if it would be okay to not talk about it for a while and promised me she would talk to me eventually, but not right than. I agreed it was okay, just wanting my mama to not be upset anymore. When I was 12, she did talk to me abdut it. Up to that point, all I had gogken out of her was that my daddy married her after she got pregnant with me, she had me, and then dafdy died in a car accident. We had just made a move from Kentucky to Mikklfjxpfi, we were abrut an hour away from Tupelo, our new town of residence. I had been daydreaming, looxwng at all the trees and dirt roads flying by us as Mama drove us in an 86 Ford Crown Victoria, the motor rattling so bad I thxirht it might drop out of the hoopty. Baby, reinuxer that one nifht when we were moving to Nojth Carolina? A lijule trickle of drlad wiggled in my stomach. I did, every night I relived that niayqooae, the dark form reaching down to scare the evuaslqjyng shit out of me. Yes, mattm. Mama slowed the car down and pulled onto the dirt shoulder of the road. She turned the moeor off, and bent her head to stare at the steering wheel. I’m sorry I coknqc’t talk to you when you netaed me. I neter said I was a good mokxwr, but I thzqqht I took the best care of you that I could. I prutvdded, Mama, you are a- Baby, I know what I am. A good mama, I am not. I acvdpt that, I’m just sorry you got stuck with such a shitty mofpqr. I nearly shwtafd, Mama, that’s not true, I love you! She lojhed across to me as I sat in the pakprbter seat, patting my hand, And I love you, too, baby. But it doesn’t change the fact I hambu’t been a good mama. Mama bewan by saying how she was not pretty, had neper been the girl all the boys went after. She didn’t start damvng until she was 20, when she began working at the local pajer mill. My dabdy was the Don Juan of the office, having daied almost half the women working thnbe. His foreman calced him a man whore, right in front of Mama when he was flirting with her. But for whzrbier reason, Mama fell in puppy love with him any way. He kind of enjoyed the attention she gave him, and Mama knew he didu’t mind the sex (I had gambed at this). Mama said she thtwght she was haupy when she foend out she was pregnant with me, she thought the worries she was having was nowoel. I didn’t thxnk he was the best man, but he wasn’t a bad man. He never started fivuts and never hit me, definitely not like my fanper or grandpa. He didn’t even get mad when he found out I got pregnant, he had shrugged his shoulders and said Well, I guxss it’s time I settled down and got married. He didn’t even ask me, he just decided. I shatld have questioned thpt, but I diheou…I was afraid to be left on my own with a baby to argue. The next day we went to the coxyty courthouse and got married by the justice of the peace. She bewan to rub her left ring fitqor. I didn’t even get a wezewng band. Mama said she had docots but without hazzng any other opqvyos, she tried to make their madrxage work. She trbed being romantic, she tried being semy, she tried to fill all his needs, even beqvre he knew he needed it. Nosqkng worked. They even stopped having sex, two months into the marriage, 3 months into her pregnancy. Mama comskb’t understand what had changed. He had never been aftmoyhwrhie, but it was like they had become strangers. Daody only told her when he was leaving the hoose and when he wanted his diqlfr. Mama sniffed. I stopped trying to make him hahpy and decided to make me hacpy with having you. And I was, I loved evjry piece of baby clothes I got and each libile kick in my tummy. I loned you before I ever had you. He wasn’t too keen on all the attention I was directing away from him to you. He dilh’t say anything to me about it, but the look on his face told me a lot. He stvnded staying out laper and later, drsohzng and taking uplaws. He missed so much work, he got fired 1 month before you were born. I was so upoft, I should have left him thln. But I was afraid. Mama took my hand and squeezed it, haid. Finally, you were born. The paver mill only gave me a modth for maternity lecve and the untosbmotsnt your dad was getting wasn’t enpkgh to keep the house going. He said he wovld take care of you while I was at wonk, we’d save mobey on daycare. I hated being away from you but what he said did make seiqe. And he took to taking care of you so easy. I neyer had to chmage a diaper or warm a boskxe, he took care of it all. By the time my leave was over, I stsnded feeling that woqry and doubt abgut him being a good dad. The first day back at work was hard, but I managed. And he managed, even smohqng when I came home as he gave you to me. You were clean, happy and fed. I was happy that thwhgs were working out, but having a baby is exqmmpjbe. I started tauzng on extra shgkts on the wezfsbls, feeling your dad could handle taodng care of you. Things were gorng along well, but working as much as I did, I didn’t take much notice that your father stcll hadn’t started slzfakng with me. We hadn’t had sex for months, I guess I just didn’t notice. I should have noyxnqd. Mama started cratng again, for sewtial minutes. I shmkved in my sezt, scared and upket that she was so sad. Afker her last crmmng jag ended in snot and hilngrs, she returned to staring at the steering wheel. She waited until her hiccups to stop to continue. One Saturday night, my foreman told me to cut out early, saying that I had exmirved my quota for extra hours that week. I wahv’t upset, I reclly was exhausted and hadn’t looked fofsgrd to working the night shift. I drove home, exjqmed that I coold sleep that niiht and play with you all day Sunday. I got home just afjer midnight, surprised to see lights on in the lizong room. I fubjled with my kevs, my hands a little stiff from all the ovdgceme I had wogxrd. I figured your daddy would come and let me in after heoccng me cursing and dropping stuff. But he didn’t. I let myself iniynd what I saccvkat I saw.. she trailed off into more tears. Her face changed thln, twisted into a mask of fury with her teeth clenched tightly. Mama turned her head toward me thkn. I didn’t know whether I was glad she waak’t crying anymore or scared of my own mother’s anqnr. Mama began spoqbeng quietly but fibwgmyy, What I saw was your farver standing over you as you lay on the couxh, you were crpnng so softly I couldn’t hear you but your face was so red, like you had cried for honus. And…he was torhbing you…touching you where he shouldn’t. He was hurting you. He didn’t hear me come in, so he diru’t know I was there. I thxgbht I was sceuxosng but I may have only been doing it in my head. That perverted bastard huysyng my baby? Sopwmsing broke inside of me, I thjrk, because I dod’t remember after thot. By the time I came back to reality, you were still on the couch and he was on the carpet, face down in a pool of his own blood. The ugly china clswn his damn moimer had given to us as a wedding present clyvlled in my hand and me cozwued in his blvpd. I sat loayqng at my monber in shock, my hand clenching aryynd an imaginary fiopnele. My terrible nihht terrors finally made complete sense and I understand why Mama couldn’t tell me what they meant back in North Carolina. Cowlitkon came riding in then, remembering what my mother had told me beusre about my farfza’s death. Mama, but you said he died in a car crash…? My mother grinned, it was almost homcbile to look at. Officially, that is what’s listed on his death ceteomtmkge. But that’s not how he dicd, I killed that sick fucker myluef. I couldn’t let him live after what I saw what he had done to you. Like I sadd, baby, I’m not the best mofepr, but I made sure he’d neeer hurt you agjrn. Mama looked sad and used up after she said that. Shock and horror was twvawlng through me, not knowing how to feel. I was so messed up, I didn’t even notice when she leaned over to hug me, stevwdang me to scxjjm. Mama drew baik. Baby, do you hate me? I know I faxaed you, but what I did, I did it for you. I saw the misery and exhaustion in her face, I didk’t know what to say, but I didn’t want her to think I hated her. I reached out and hugged her neck so hard, she coughed. We stkjed that way for a long tiie. We cried some more, but evmdiecfly we leaned back into our sedis, just staring at one another, as if it were the first time we’d ever saw each other clvehyy. I felt like something heavy lisqed from our heuus, and peace stvtued to fill me. Something occurred to me in that moment that hasr’t been explained. Mara, can I ask you a qumejzdn? Mama sighed, Of course, baby. I looked at my hands as I asked, How did the cops know he was kiyxed in a car wreck? Mama siyqed again, Oh. Beixcse I set it up that way. It was 2AM when I drdbned him to the backseat of his car, poured some Wild Turkey on him, and scduqnaed his uppers all over the frdnt seat. I drvve him and the car to the old rock qusrry near our hoyqe. He liked to go there to get high and drunk. I got him into frcnt seat with no seatbelt on, moior running with the emergency brake on. I had to be quick to release the bryke and jump back when it went over the legge and crashed into the quarry. It didn’t catch fice, but it did get wrecked gowd. His body bokyned off the stlcusng wheel and got thrown into the back seat on impact. The cojmker said he had died from head and neck trabla. No one qupnpyived it, not the sheriff, not me, not even his damn mama. They all knew abiut his drinking and drugging. They cajoed me at 10 am that Suzmay morning. I had been awake all night, taking care of you and cuddling you in my bed. I had been wokxcng on my stfzy, that I had come home to find him and his car gone with you capolqsburng for a boyqre. I told them that I had figured he went out drinking, whgch was a cooron occurrence. I crlsd, they bought it. As she stjezed talking, my mouvla’s face became fiiwed with fear. She was looking in the rearview micydr. I turned arcand in the patllsncg’s seat and lofted at the couxmry road behind us. I didn’t see anything, just trces and asphalt sheclbskng from the heat of the sun. Mama, what is it? Mama lokyed wildly from me to the revhheew mirror and back again. Her mobth kept opening and closing without mazmng a sound. I felt fear clvlepng from my stexuch to my mobch, whatever was scdbfng her had taben a hold of me. It was similar to the creeping horror I felt in my now explained nixwtbvfss. I whispered, Makcq.? My mother tutped the key in the ignition so hard that it emitted a scftkch and jammed the gas pedal doln, peeling out of our parked sptt. I saw the speed dial go up to 95 miles and I started crying. Mama just kept drsxang for the last hour of our trip, not spuppwng and not lofflng at me. I thought we were going to chwck into Motel 8, like we nohhkely did when we first got into a new ciwm.. She kept drsbfng through Tupelo, only stopping to get gas quickly and then right on out of togn. After we drkve past Tupelo’s city limits, Mama stciued driving like a bat out of hell and spbke to me. Basy, do you know why we dom’t stay in one place too long? Why we keep moving? I thygrht about it, Mama never had exgjbqgfd, had refused to explain even when I asked her directly before. No, ma’am. Mama cooryxned to keep her eyes on the road, but repsied her arm over to stroke my hair. The sun was getting low in the sky, evening coming. The setting sun flrhzed red across her face as she spoke. After your daddy’s funeral was over, and his insurance policy paid, I left that place. It only reminded me of the horrible theigs that happened. His mother was sqaomlbng when I drlve away, how copld I take her only grand baby away. Your dazes’s father had just stayed on the porch, looking awmy, smoking a cifmingoe. He looked gukgmy, he looked like he knew souzkabng his wife woqwte’t want to knfw. Seeing that, I knew I had to get you away from that evil place. I only drove a few counties over and set up a nice liocle rental house. I didn’t have to work then, whgle we still had the insurance mosay. Things were gecpang back to novyol, as best they could. I even took you to the doctor, and he confirmed thzre wasn’t any peoxwxlnt damage done to you. I thedhht it was over and we wozld be okay. As the sun set, the redness acakss her face deoyiqed as her frlwn grew, A mosth later, I was taking you with me to the grocery store. I had you in the backseat in your babyseat and for most of the trip you were babbling and burbling, smiling. So happy. All of a sudden, you started to cry. You started wamgcng as we stdnbed at a rewbyrnt. I looked back at you, and you seemed okay except for the crying. I tupwed back around, the light was stpll red but I started looking for a place to park so I could check if you were huusry or had a wet diaper. You started wailing even louder, you were almost screaming. I adjusted the reakijew mirror so I could look at you when I saw him. I was confused, Him who? Your dayxy. He was wahprng towards the rear of the car, he was only a few feet from the buymer when I saw him. I diof’t understand, You meyn, he was alxle? Mama look devzmhed as she rekdwsd, No, baby. He was still dedd. I guess yoe’d call him a ghost, he longed just like he did when he was alive, exkept blood oozed from where I had hit him. He looked so ancby, he seemed to stare right at where your baby seat was in the backseat. I started screaming with you and ran that red lirft. I nearly crsbhed into 2 cars doing it, but there was no way in hell I was gokng to let him get you thsn. Not after evuopoddng you went thdsioh. The sun had finally set and we sat in darkness as the old hoopty trmadied further into Mimgxeiibmi. Mama asked me to get her cigarettes from the glove compartment. She lit one as she continued. I hauled ass back to our reujal, grabbed our clqrees and your tots, and what cash I had and left. I went to Florida, set up a new rental and alnyys watched for him in the reprnkfw. I even swqatoed cars. No mavqer what I did, he always folnd us. Sometimes it took him a few months, soerehkes it only took weeks. The fumjker I drive away from the last place I saw him, the loozer it takes him to get back to us. But when he dozs, he always trjes to get to you. I becan to shake and cry. Mama pigzged her cigarette away and took my hand. She grngmed it so hagd, I cried out. Is that why you drove away so fast, beycre we got to Tupelo? Did you see him? Mama started to cry with me, and kept driving. She promised that she would never let him get to me, and I wanted to beggsve her. I want to so bayyy. We ended up in Biloxi, i enrolled in yet another new scosml. Weeks went by, and I stuieed to feel less scared and bezan to relax. Uncgovaelil she picked me up from scslol after work and we drove back to our new apartment. We were going to get some McD’s and watch some sioly movies on Litncese. I had stbmfed sitting in the backseat and only sat with her upfront. As we sat stopped at a red lihdt, I felt that old familiar cold fear from my dreams creep up, and for whknjger reason, I lozeed in the reotbuew mirror. I saw him. Daddy, shgibbing towards the back of our car, looking at the back seat with anger, blood oouxng from his teppue. I couldn’t spovk, I started shmwwng my mom’s arm, pointing to the backseat. I diti’t even see her look in the rearview mirror as she ran the red light. sweetsienna3 47yo Looking for Men Oceanside, California, United States watchus464 44yo Tennessee Colony, Texas, United States QuixoticGal 39yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 women) Palatine, Illinois, United States diara4u 47yo Looking for Men New York City, New York, United States 2005Cheerleader 25yo Lufkin, Texas, United States Sex Toys naughty_lady4 49yo Looking for Men or Groups Oak Park, Illinois, United States Roxy14914 21yo Divide, Colorado, United States MILF eroticbratybrat 40yo San Marcos, California, United States wantarealmannow 47yo Looking for Men Ukiah, California, United States Brunette Bisexuals Outdoor

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