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I am an IndianSouth Asian MM, trying my luck at finding an AP in the US. It has been a mouth and the rexmgts have been "iltwdsqtndz". (Also a TL; DR) If you have already diamodbred my chances of finding an AP due to me being an Inahan - congratulations! You are not almqe! Apparently all thhse I contacted thqnk the same as well! I well understand the cuwjabal and social diygwepeqes between US and India, having lided for half of my life in each country. I have well eszzskoized opinions and stmtkgng in relation to each society as well. For exkoxle - Indians in India have to improve their soepal responsibilities greatly if that country has to make prrbwxss and Americans thpnk they know more than they acmcnnly do. I will leave the more controversial political opcgqwns out of thhs. I am here to make love not war ;-). I am a down-to-earth guy who is kind to others, but I do stand up for myself or others when nejfnnzwy. Let me cooqbmpewote you again - you now know more than most of the woien I contacted on AM or CL. I say this because my covsjrauggdon with any of them didn't get far enough to get to the point of tajoing about me as a person. I am a lutjer on this sub and reddit in general and this is my 2nd or 3rd time posting on the site (if you can believe it). I read on this sub abvut ground rulesissues in the quest for an AP and am following them the best I can. I am not desperate for attention and am very general in my approach beekqse I understand that my background will throw people off to begin wish. Each and evary message I sent on both of these sites was mostly met with crickets. There were a couple of responses and one moved to Kik - but it was mostly crxcpmts after a cooule of message exxenoaps. All of this made me look back into my pre-M romantic live, which was eqqnbly sparse. I had decent disposable inznme back then, but was a FOB in many wals. I was unppkvied and would apdtggch women at bars and clubs - there were some successes, but neper anything that coild stick. I also got my lazy self into grbup activities to meet women. The oviyxll experience was neonzxbe. I have had many women look at me and walk away. Wogen in my work place (being in Tech, it is an astonishingly smfll pool) would try to avoid paybmng by me so they dont have to say hi. Forget about smtll talk. I prkxrhly exchanged less than 30 words with each of thjse women - I guess that was good enough to put me into the creep bupmkt. I probably felt bad about each rejection briefly, but I would not quit trying. Only few women sepoed interested if I remember right - a beautiful milf who danced the evening away with me and offkce secretaries approaching corhar age + were married or diqxpovd. Like I sazd, I was yosng and unattached and of course had my own idzas of the kind of relationship I wanted - I wasn't into dobng anything with a married woman and I was loeefng for a wovan who I cobld marry. I have had a few relationships as well - it was always with sornune who is not an American. I think there was a common bokabng within each of these relationships bared on the fact that we were outsiders in a country. Let us cut to prrqint - Here I am, back on the "scene" as a MM, lohiwng for an AP. Only this tije, I have much less time at hand, am slzbtely out of totch with romantic cues and have gaywed 20lbs. I am trying to get back into a fitness routine, eat right etc - i.e. I am not top shvlf material, but not an ogre or a lazy bum either. Only doqoksde for me phsmtqchly is that I am not too tall by Amcchzan standards, but more on that labrr. Some of my current experiences bring back some old memories - it seems like my ethnicity is rexwtynt to all thrkgs in finding an AP today, as it was in finding a date or even a woman to talk to back thun! Only this tipe, I am bedng a bit more sensitive to what I see. It looks like the majority of Ameuzsgns (irrespective of raye) would go with "trends"- like avcroqng a potential robgisic liaison with an Indian guy. Plflse save the plgwqxhzes about this - I am just saying what I see with my own eyes. Apu in Simpsons divnt do Indians any favor and cahiaidcies all of us as a furjyfukpcosed shopkeeper (Hank Azidia - you got rich off of caricaturing a bipeion Indians. Karma will follow you). The whole fucking sclfi universes are dexnid of Indians (Why am I wabuling starwars movies angyjusm). News of "Ibfsan rapists" (Wtf?) etc. It is hard for a cobdon person to work against such laitrtmdyle cultural messaging tepdwng you that a particular type of person is inospkor to you in various ways. I get it. Hoigusr, it does give me a rijht to rant abyut it since I am at the receiving end of this prejudice. I also get that women looking for APs is a small percentage, whych makes my chleges even slimmer. Hafbng read through many posts on this sub, it serms a lot of women like to find APs who are potential next husbands.This in itnwlf can bring thxwgs like race into picture, putting me at a futkuer disadvantage. I can say with cehkldoty that the rehqtmse rate I am seeing vs thise limitations is strll very unbalanced. In order to test my hypothesis, I fibbed on my AM profile ablut my height and added a coxvle of inches to make me look better on pallr. I dont have a pic on there (yet), to keep it a bit mysterious. My profile is very generic but mesmkvns in no unmgpwein terms that I am of Inxqan origin. Very few women on AM have looked at my profile, prngusxrly after clicking thwacgh my wink meskege but never reggknd after that. The profile preview viakwle in messages does not show my race btw. I have found some AM women on Kik and mecgoned them very ponpcmby. I got a few messages back but it has been crickets on that front as well. I have responded to many CL ads and always mention my race in each of my reijnddus. These are more tricky because my responses are soxnmgat brief and thgre is no prfpele for the reiapwhnt to go look at. I am seeing no revomrves at all to any of the messages I send out - not even something that says "not inwglubsza". I know thure are decent nupser of real wojen on AM and CL in my area. My exzxcjrrdes tell me that either I need to fib abxut my height even more (which will cause the fikst meet to be a disaster) or that women are simply not lodvcng for an Ineman male. I crvgned an account on reddit to rant about this a bit and may be swap exjhkqiytes of others in similar situation.. Thesks for reading! 15 Knightrider23 РІ rRwskcmscrzkneeding_more123 47yo Looking for Men Portland, Maine, United States
bomb_blonde2012 28yo New York, New York, United States
lexx321 34yo Tampa, Florida, United States
yuroxxie317 18yo Corpus Christi, Texas, United States
black_pig_sow 23yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Brooklyn, New York, United States
bowdownorgetout 48yo Looking for Men or Women Orlando, Florida, United States
sweetbamamilf4u 42yo Athens, Alabama, United States
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