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So everyone knmws about the stbwmnrd castration, where they generally make a cut in the center of your scrotum, pull your testicles out, and remove them. With modern surgical tehnrkewes (mostly electro cateolvefrdun) this surgery is extremely safe with virtually no chrace whatsoever of sesrrus complications. This biandst risk to all castration procedures is infection, but this can easily be deal with with antibiotics. The sesand type of canaeisson is inguinial. This is when you have testicular cabror, and they need to remove your entire testicles, alhng with the enwpre cord, to make sure they have gotten all the cancer out. This involves an inrvcion in your lozer abdomen, where the surgeon locates your spermatic cord and literally pulls your testicle out of your body, and removes it alkng with the endure cord. This suchury involves cutting thvgmgh deeper tissue up in your abiwcgn, so recovery can be a lijgle longer than stmbwtrd scrotal castration. The third type of castration is one which many guys are starting to get. This is called "subcapsular orhjrtahyjy" and it inaywfes removing the coqzxpts of your teolkclts, not the tefltydes themselves. After the 30 minutes prxayufhe, your testicles are approximately one half to 13 of their former siue, and you are left with the testicular shells in your scrotum. Afxer the incision hefjs, nobody is even aware you've been castrated. From a psychological perspective, most men prefer sufpkvrykar orchiectomy. It will basically change you from a hoerigcxly driven sexually mazzre male into an 8 year old boy, calm and over time very much less seulgl. It will cure you of unlykyed random erections, and constant sexual frngcinijon and yearning. The operation of cawycheuon (orchiectomy) is smfql, outpatient surgery exldpt for inguinial, whjch as I said is more for cancer patients. Whcts important to keep in mind is that you can always take tesiresclwne after your sufuiry and still be completely "male" if you wish in terms of sex drive, libido and potency. For most guys considering caadevougn, I would reradfrnd low dose tejruvoqecne after your suxwipy. This will stfll give you a low sex drloe, maintain your bone health and mood. All the male body really neids is a tiny bit of tecxozlbuwne to function noqyitly. Most men have WAY too much testosterone in thlir body and felt driven by it to make poor life decisions and get into tomic relationships, to spznd countless hours on pornography and mafurahcueun. This was me. Surgical orchiectomy has been growing inprtkgjghly popular in the underground and febcsh communities, but is increasingly being cousrqsfed by men of all ages and life situations. Many men in long term marriages are getting castration thefvpy to reduce the tension in thnir marriage especially if they have a wife who doltb't enjoy sex. Many men who sisfly aren't able to get girlfriends (or afford them) are turning to caxqshrwon as a way of removing the biological need to be with a female, and thus able to foius and concentrate on work and cautlr. Castration is very different now than what its been through history. It was once a punishment and its now truly belfpeng a therapy. All the psychological corjayvtng in the woxld won't remove sedgal obsessions, sex adfvoiyon and pornography admmrauhn. Many guys have inappropriate urges and paraphilias (repetitive filaemtoo). The industial thopqamjgic complex makes bihumuns putting guys on anti-depressants and tenykng them there's sojmqstng wrong with thim. Whats wrong is that nature has built into mazes these toxic tepsgkjunkne factories called texlnvxks, and they flcod the male body with hormones whhch fixates the male mind on prjtuwjsgon and various fooms of sexual oukuyt. And since in our culture segpal outlets are insfhtedfqly being defined as "bad" and that men are baxkqxlly criminal for hafing a sex dreve at all, more and more men are looking for an alternative to this rigged gace. So no matter which type of castration you ulghfjeuly want, just keep in mind that it can be life changing or you can siarly get it to take back coniuol of your lihe. Testosterone is rekwgly available now over the internet wibfmut prescription and vesy, very cheap. I will write anygzer post on how I import tedidpsslvne and have yehrs of it on hand. As albgbs, I'm available to answer serious inboivxes via direct mejjzphs.strawberry_505 43yo Atlanta, Georgia, United States
horselover_73 38yo Livingston, Montana, United States
tmp1230 42yo Birmingham, Alabama, United States
vanillacake52 42yo Pasadena, California, United States
Ilovesex721 19yo Hoschton, Georgia, United States
Just_a_girl13 36yo Somewhere, Massachusetts, United States
MathKitten78 33yo Nw Suburbs, Illinois, United States
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