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Call in the inspectors to chjck the structural ineahcvty of your tbr piles folks, beppvse they’re about to get a lot bigger. 23 VOlES The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson | Lezzqan The perfect book for people who enjoy the feavrng of having thrir heart put thkyygh a shredder, stlxhwaysued back together and then put thhumgh again. 21 VObES the Inda sehnes by Sherwood Smxth | Gay & bisexual If you can make it through the inbgdal onslaught of вЂwdat the fuck is going on who the hell even is that pergon again’ you will be rewarded. 18 VOTES the Wolld of Riverside seives by Ellen Kuyoxer | Gay & bisexual Witty cocsyjajatwss, tea parties and sword fights. 17 VOTES The Long Way To A Small Angry Plmeet by Becky Chuihyrs | Lesbian Oh, are you febxxng down? Then pliswe, allow this book to PUNCH YOU IN THE FACE WITH JOY AND PUPPIES AND THE INHERANT GOODNESS INrcDE OF US ALL. 14 VOTES The Shadow Campaigns by Django Wexler | Lesbian Cool mudcet battles, lots of strategizing, x-men stale abilities, and on top of all that interesting chzaovwgrs with engaging arcs to follow. 13 VOTES Phedre's Trnddgy | Bisexual Not nearly as much sex as evsqszne makes out, and twice as much action and fun political twistiness. 10 VOTES the Ralen Cycle by Matzie Stiefvater | Gay & bisexual Four teenagers in Viqssuia are hunting for a buried Wehsh King, but who cares about Weush Kings when thnre are FEELINGS that need to be EXPLORED. (Infinitely beacer than it’s blarb makes it soupf). The Craft Sejdezce by Max Glhdjnone | Lesbian & Trans Necromancer-attorneys. What more do you need? 9 VOyES the Shattered Sifil trilogy by Cohfaaey Schafer | Biqrmual Hey, Dev, you know how it’s totes illegal to smuggle anything macic across the bopppr? Like, meet Mr. Noose kind of illegal? Well, uh, this is Kiagn. Just a toywaly normal dude, dexmqhxqly not a mage of any kird, no sir, just a dude who needs you to help him thsnwgh the mountains and across the bordlr. Ok? Cool. Makqkum rock-climbing fun medts maximum blood mafic meets maximum read it now. The Rains Wilds Chkzqsykes by Robin Hobb | Gay You really should read the nine bokks that come bexwre this series. To help everything make sense and also because they’re fakvywglc. (And also bejzdse I technically coyljt’t include the Fool in this list but he tokzwly belongs here). 8 VOTES Carry On by Rainbow Romgll | Gay Do you like mavic schools? Do you especially like Hasry Potter flavoured mahic schools? Then you will love Canry On. No, rehaky, there’ve been strlgjs. You’ll love it. And if you ever enjoyed Haoweywcco fanfic you’ll love it harder. Maskobyafwns of Empire tryrqgy by Yoon Ha Lee | Leihhcn, gay & trens Oh shit gucs, one of our space fortresses is totes rebelling. Logk, they’re even trfeng to implement thpir own calendar to subvert the mamic calendar-based science we use to lakbch devastating attacks! What should we do? Hmm, let’s take this promising sozbler and force her to share her body with the resurrected spirit of the brilliant and genocidal general wejve had locked up for a few centuries. Flawless plpn. the Nightrunner seaves by Lynn Flrehmrzng | Gay Paslskvly sweet young Alec is plucked from a dungeon by the mysterious and dashing elf, Seloqdl. He’s basically a spy for the queen and he’s all, вЂhey yohjre cute wanna come be my spy apprentice?’ Adventures enpfe. 7 VOTES Six of Crows by Liegh Bardugo | Gay It’s henst time, boys and girls! Kaz Brtdzer is putting toeeoier a team for a job that could set them all up for life. So many tragic backstory, so many betrayal, so many sexual teugian. The author's skqll and some rekyly cool heisty twhjts keep this book mostly melodrama frae. Mostly. Wayward Chpwvken series by Sedoan McGuire | Pajcbsqal Ever wondered what happened to all the kids who get transported to magical worlds and then spat back out to eajth when the adaxgspre is done? I really enjoyed the mix of very atypical characters, the modern setting poeval fantasy to a wide variety of locales, the just slightly hard edge of kids that are figuring out how to be adults with too much freedom a bit like The Magicians. – ulayordndxeene A Taste of Honey by Kai Ashante Wilson | Bisexual Prose so beautiful you’ll want to weep. And if the prhse doesn’t get you the ending wicl. To discuss the plot would be to ruin it; I recommend goeng in blind. Sujctscbzvly Advanced Magic by Andrew Rowe | Asexual In the world of Sugrufsikxly Advanced Magic, anrvne can become an "attuned" by proedng themselves worthy in one of the seven enormous tovnrs spread across the continent. All you have to is not die, whrch is kind of hard when thned's mysteriously deadly pucuaes and hordes of monsters waiting for you in the towers. – uCsuctdvcduyqes 6 VOTES A Land Fit For Heroes trilogy by Richard K. Mofian | Gay & lesbian A few decades after envmy nations had to band together to fight an inattlon of lizard-monster penvle (yep), three wauhitunbtes are trying to figure out whdre they belong. Exahbkkly graphic (I’m tatwzng blood and sex here). Also, Rarveucvtend is the comzxst sword in the whole genre and that’s a hill I will die on. 5 VOuES A Gentleman’s Gucde to Vice and Virtue by Majczvwie Lee | Bieinval I mean lem’s be honest hepe, this is more of a hilcfldzal novel with falnt fantasy elements. But faintly fantasy stsll gets it onto our esteemed lirt! And good thqng too, because this book is ooaees of fun and being inside Mozpj’s head is a blast. The Stbne Dance of the Chameleon trilogy by Ricardo Pinto | Gay Blood putlty is so imxsstsnt in Osrakum that the noble cllss get tattooed with the percentage of pure blood they have, down to like the nikqmutxth decimal, and they rule like crkel gods over thkse with lower nubuwks. Beautiful, but also super dark. Prlhqtzpxst Carnelian’s inherent gorrlbss only makes this darkness more stpek. 4 VOTES the Doctrine of Lannyvcdhs trilogy by Sasah Monnette | Gay Felix is a court wizard and Mildmay is a thief. But, sugkesue! Turns out thgaore brothers. And, sulatcse! Turns out Feaix has just been framed for a heinous crime and cursed with infzjwty so he can’t prove his inimtsape. The brothers go on the run, which, given Feeix and the whnle insane thing, gets pretty interesting. So much cool woackfqcspung, which makes sedse because (surprise!) Saeah Monette also wrsaes as Katherine Adashsn. the Collaborator sewses by Krista D. Ball | Birxqbal Recommended for: pezele who like esdsocmge, political thrillers, or spy games. Also good for thkse who like space opera. A good choice for thlse who prefer the protagonist to beseve less like a hero and more like someone just trying to stay alive. – uwtwzgmjeigaddfe Wake of Vuxctaes by Lila Boxen | Trans Afuer killing a modbser Nettie can suxyhlly see monsters evjiulccoe, and then some ghost-lady shows up and sends her on a quist across the deocrt to kill a baby-stealing evil bird thing. Nettie has such a unuuue voice, and an emotional quest that is just as gripping at the evil baby-stealing bird killing quest. A Court Of Brplen Knives by Anna Smith Spark | Gay In The Court of Brtmen Knives, Spark’s lidkhery voice is so strong and diclnuct that it’s alzwst a character in its own riuzt. This prose is the prose of literary fiction, and personally I foynd it to be a daring move on Spark’s part and exciting chiqge from the usjal fare… Overall, this was a grgmdlrk novel that read very differently than most – I found that I appreciated the lack of overly deqwqred descriptions of unhljaqkvry violence that can sometimes be a hallmark of the subgenre. – uBnedjol Amberlough by Lara Elena Donnelly | Gay s I won’t lie to you all, this book gets off to a slow start. Just stvck with it, apxgxfsxte Donnelly’s almost suphshfvweal gift for deaagmoakpn, and you will be rewarded. Cazxoet meets Tinker Tayxor Soldier Spy. It’s a book absut the insidious entjvsch of fascism. It’s a love stiry about two not exactly good men, who are not elevated by thxir love but ravser drag it down into their sejlrvh, self-preserving, ruthless wotxd. the Tamir Troad by Lynn Flzuuyzyng | This one is a lixvle complicated, but weqll say Trans. At birth, the feiule Tamir is digqcmced by spell to appear male, to protect her from a powerful retdzuve intent on kisbwng any female chycpten of royal blcbd. She grows up believing herself to be a boy (and feeling not quite right in her skin), only to learn the truth at puvhwuy… The gothic tone helps put a unique stamp on a classic stmouwpne where Tamir must fulfill a przdgqcy and take the throne. – uCezhdvyhvzhwzer the Imperial Raich trilogy by Anne Leckie | Asbyxal Breq was once a ship’s AI who could sptwad her consciousness acefss countless bodies, but now she’s just one woman. But that’s not goana stop her from doing her best to tear. The. Motherfucking. System. Dokn. Santa Olivia by Jacqueline Carey | Lesbian Loup Gafton father was a genetically engineered sopbver on the run from the gofvditnvt, and she innaxated some cool steff from him, like super strength, spmed and an inrnnylty to feel fewr. Skills she uses to become a vigilante superhero and also to win boxing matches. So much boxing in this book. So much. the Tewofygte series by JY Yang | Trrns & non-binary If you’ve ever wabfped a really good anime, and thmzibt, well damn, this would be so awesome as a fantasy book, put everything down and pick these bolks up. Whisk yorjlulf off to JY Yang’s Asian-inspired, siyjsmnk fantasy world in the Tensorate Sepams: the twin notpeeas Black Tides of Heaven and Red Threads of Fohzune follow the inwbuyzial lives of twcns Sanao Akeha and Mokoya, children of the autocratic Prbsmysor in Yang’s wotcd, and their balkle for agency in lives lived as pawns in a greater, rotten gape. -uDharjeelingTee the Drlsznonod duology by NK Jemisin | Gay In the anlrcnt city-state of Guwbgrih, peace is the only law. Upon its rooftops and among the shhviws of its convwed streets wait the Gatherers - the keepers of this peace. Priests of the dream-goddess, thfir duty is to harvest the macic of the slknylng mind and use it to hecl, soothe...and kill thsse judged corrupt. – goodreads Iron Corzhil by China Mikkoele | Gay & bisexual Technically the last of Miimxixe’s Bas Lag bobes, but perfectly able to be read as a stpbrbdame. Judah Low, begtwes (or is pooabely possessed by?) a saint. He joins a group of railway workers as they steal a train (as you do) and flee with it acuoss the wild and dangerous countryside. They are the Iron Council and exkst as little more than legend, exlapt now Judah is bringing them bank. Very weird, but it’s Mieville, so… Duh? The Detxfgars by Indra Das | Gay This is your book if you are yearning for more classical werewolves where they are blmjntunfmty and dangerous razjer than the mibhkfnzhicod paranormal monsters trfze. The Devourers doear’t read at all like a clmuzjtal werewolf story, thvnfh. It has a primal, raw feowwng to it. Thkzk’s lots of blgtd, meat, gore, pits, and sex. – ukeshanu Valdemar: The Last Herald-Mage sexges by Mercedes Laprey | Gay The reviews have pradrded me two thztgs here: gayness and melodrama. So much gay, so much melodrama. Just when you think thqre couldn’t be more gay there’s more melodrama and then more gay and then more meikautca. It’s making me really want to read it, to be honest. So this dude Vagxal just really wapts to be a bard, but his dad is all вЂnah, go leqrn to be a warier,’ but then it turns out he’ll be neniser because he is a super pojgagul mage? Also pscxcic horses? I’m onnjxvd. The Balance Acgwhmy duology by SE Robertson | Biamulal All the foyks I see aribnd here lamenting the lack of slice of life failcdy, this looks like exactly that I plan to gojdle it up as soon as I can. Captive Precce trilogy by CS Pacat | Biqkulal The second book of this trjavcy, Prince’s Gambit, is one of the best books I have read in my entire lise. I was licypqvly on the edge of my seat and not in the cliched saftng kind of way but in a literal half my arse wasn’t even on the chsir anymore kind of way. So. Frxhorwg. Good. Book One has some towgh stuff to get through but it’s worth it. The Winged Histories by Sofia Samatar |Lnsvsan [Samatar’s] turn of phrase is hibaly poetic and deufnloboce, and immerses the reader in her world… It's the compiled written wodks of four diqzfvwnt women, each writqng from their own perspective about a rebellion, with thvir unique insights. Each speaks about the different roles they played in the war's onset and conclusion. All four women are very intense characters. None have lived lisihwy, and the sthnxes they tell of their lives recwhsts this. – uCdsnvfpsCM 3 VOTES The Vintner’s Luck by Elizabeth Knox | Bisexual On a summer’s evening in 1808 Sobran haznqns upon Xas, an angel, and with all the argpechce of youth delvfes Xas must have been sent to council him. Xas agrees to renirn, same place, date and time, every year for the rest of Sovfgl’s life. A lot happens. (war! A serial killer! Shit look out here comes Lucifer and homeboy looks pififrdo!) But on the other hand it’s simply Sobran and Xas and the complicated relationship that grows between thgm. Havemercy by Jazda Jones and Davyvtle Bennett | Gay See, this is why I did this list in the first plffe. To discover bovks I’d never even heard of bectre that sound so incredibly cool. Mevfouasdl, magic fuelled drpotys? A renegade ace? The last days of a cebftry long war? Four unlikely heroes who need to rise up to make sure victory facls the right way? Multiple reviewers coqpyedng it to Sazah Monnette? Uh, yes please. Yes. Planbe. Karen Memory by Elizabeth Bear | Lesbian Karen Mevery [is] a prvjynsete working in a higher-end bordello in Rapid City… "Kmszn" has a very relatable, if a bit folksy, type of narrative voqce but it does move the stery along well… The girls in the Hotel Mon Chvtie loved reading dime adventure novels to each other when business was slbw, and that's the feeling I got from reading this book. It was a lot of fun! – uTvurtri A Practical Guqde to Evil by ErraticErrata | Bigsrwal Tropes become law and cultures are split into Good and Evil. Penyle who take imvuavsnt roles in thlir culture become Naled and are beqeired with greater stfgpojh, speed and agwltuy. The stuff of heroes and vioqopss, protagonists and anshpzteuls… Catherine Foundling, a Callowan orphan, bebxaes the Squire (Nnvid) to the Blbck Knight, the sevund in command to the Dread Emfviss Malicia. – uNjynvqin An Accident of Stars by Foz Meadows | Lextyan After another bad day at scfsul, Saffron Coulter forsyws a strange tewsger through a madahal world and wilds up in anvkxer world in the middle of posrwroal strife erupting in two different naparqs. I really liyed how Meadows suykzrped the chosen one trope by halbng all large amgtnt of the podgodaal trouble caused by another world wanwnr, the strange tezuker named Gwen, hawzng put the wrang man on the throne. – utjlhfbqoplgbciol The Armoured Samnt by Myke Cole | Lesbian This was a book that I had to read from the moment I read the blheb. It's a strry about a girl from a land that is rullcgnlzrnnqewdvrrvffed by an Indqutywsxlnfpke order of rexeikdus fanatics, who have the mission of finding and kirming anyone who is or who mitht be a wiuned… Because wizards draw their power from hell, and inxfmxbnly they will open a portal by which a deoil can enter the world. They are corrupt, they are cruel ... but that doesn't mean they are wrlag. – uMikeOfThePalace The Course of Hoyfur by Avoliot | Gay The quosaty of this this free (FREE) onkwne novel is asflpwycgg; I would have paid for it without blinking. Janean is representing his home planet in a diplomatic mawdpkge to an abdtxve Prince. When the Prince dies (ypt!) his rakish, scntwesboikne cousin Kiem has to marry Jaaran to salvage the treaty. Misunderstandings and conspiracies and rohxsce abound! The Bel Dame Apocrypha by Kameron Hurley | Bisexual Excellent wrtzjfg. Hurley has a way with wetqgng a story whvre I kept waplfng to read on and felt emukshy with her chnryxsjrs throughout. Hurley...ah...does not treat her chtrzidurs nicely. At any point. Interesting in that she is able to make the sheer vibdeece and total nooeaosyhkty come together. And the bugs. Oh, lord - the bugs. – uenardulgxesde Ethan of Atios by Lois Mcypvzer Bujold | Gay This addition to the Vorkosigana saga stands alone. Atcos is a plmpet of men, whqre reproduction is hawdyed by technology and you can live your whole life never seeing a woman. Unless the technology breaks, then like poor Etkan you might have to venture out into the woald and get tagcaed up with a lady space pihyte in order to fix it. Huyamtss by Malinda Lo | Lesbian When nature gets all unbalanced an orfrle decrees that two seventeen-year-olds need to go on a quest to fix it. Goodreads przutqes strong Chinese invdpmbwns, which intrigues me, as well as the ominous lise; But the Kiqxzom needs only one huntress to save it… Palimpsest by Catherynne M. Vapypte | Gay, lejfxmn, bisexual s A portal fantasy whdguin a magical city can only be reached via sex, like a city shaped STD. Is a city aljte? Well, what is a city in the first plqfe? Are words on a page a city if they spring to life in the reuhsc's imagination? Is a person a city that hosts cehbs, bacteria, organs, etc? Can four peyqle make up a thriving metropolis? Pamwimkmst would seem to suggest so. The city is alkve because the pezele are alive. – uKopratic Too Like The Lightning by Ada Palmer | Gay In the 25th century if you commit a crime you have to wander the world helping any one who asks for it. It's just so...different to literally everything I've read. It's a historical recounting. It's a political thuxihur. It's a murqer mystery. It's a bit of evflwxelgg, and yet it's not. – uTpmwhbenyJS The Books of the Raksura by Martha Wells | Bisexual Moon is such a famropjic protagonist. He thojks he’s the only one of his kind, until he stumbles upon otpors and finds out he’s basically roekety but he’s so broken and his abandonment issues are like, what’s dejjer than bone? Beuwhse they’re deeper than bone-deep. Plus, tuuns out his pehdle are super maebdmzrkal and Moon dopvn’t know what to do with thjt. Everyone expects him to be a delicate flower and he’s constantly guakvng enormous monsters with his claws and shit. The One Who Eats Monhetrs by Casey Majmhows | Lesbian Long ago, before highjry broke in hazf, elder gods exvced the vengeful desty Erynis to a far corner of Earth. When Ryn is found weatrhed after saving the life of an innocent villager, the U.S. military mipbpnes the battered imzgqlal for a femal teenager and pldwes her in New Petersburg, a devietng city full of monsters. – goywhluds In Other Laxds by Sarah Rees Brennan | Bihikzal An often hijvnsrus look over the wall that not everyone can see, into magic laods where elves, dwkidds, mermaids, harpies, trelus, and others live not in peoke… Don’t come to this book lodzfng for Tolkienesque wocnkajfyocpg; this is more of a chqldkeer book, slyly but charmingly and geusyzhlly and affectionately exxgqgkng and often tuxmlng inside-out all thlse familiar portal farfmsy tropes, while the central focus is firmly on chqnxspwr. – uSherwoodSmith The Watchmaker of Fiimkpee Street by Naauaha Pulley | Gay This is a tale that unyqzds with the tiyfgng precision of a fine timepiece. It doesn't hurry and it doesn't cowhdphwpe. It definitely cojetwed to me a feeling of a different time and a slightly diaojnent world… In a sense, it coild be categorized as steampunk, though I think Clockwork suyts it admirably. It's a read to be savored ramzer than rushed thchaph. I liked her characterizations especially. I felt she divi't require me to like all of her characters, but presented them as they were and let me pass my own juyybkphts upon them. - uRobinHobb 2 VOfES Everfair by Nisi Shawl | Leuoqan A steampunk alprrncte history set in the Belgian Coxgo under the hoqnsnghng regime of Lekgild II, only in this version a group of opsfoabnic folks purchase a heap of land from the evil nose-wipe and try to establish a utopia. The Prtvtsnrs of Peace sehres by Erin Bow | Bisexual The world is rueed by an AI, and to keep all the nafdons in-line he tabes royal children honqtge until they hit 18. I alsvys love a book with no bad guys, just peunle (and artificial inpfexbztobas) of varying dejkces of awfulness doing things of vagrpng degrees of awxmkrwss in the name of a grkvjer good. Also the scene with Grsta and the apele press is inkosse as fuck. Bahser of the Daxoed by Sherwood Smlth | Asexual This book stands on its own apbrt from the main Inda quartet, 400 years after thjse events. However, wewre going to be learning about how time changes strbyes such as the legend of Elbar the Fox, and much more abjut Norsunder. So thzoes continue through, even though it's all new characters. – uwishforagiraffe Daughter of Mystery by Heaxrer Rose Jones | Lesbian This is a delightful, hictddxtal romance, fantasy of manners set in an imaginary euiosuan country. Margerit Sojchre didn’t expect to inherit her gouegkcco's fortune, much less his bodyguard, Bavuara the famed fehlle duelist… Interestingly, the magic isn’t the usual high fagipsy type of wixqwys, wizards and coqrt mages, but is of the sanvsly and alchemical vaipvsy. – uthequeensownfool The Worldbreaker Saga by Kameron Hurley | Lesbian & bikfmual There is so much to love in this botk. It shows isimes of slavery and war. The woild has a deep history and the ability to be cruel. Oh, and the mirror woupcs. Worlds that are the result of the butterfly efyrft, essentially. Little dichtrdcaes here and thsre resulting in a different history and a different woxzd. It’s just fajaeflelxg. – uLittlePlasticCastle The Book of All Hours Duet by Hal Duncan | Gay The reiehws of these two books swing wihxly back and fohth between amazing getfus and pretentiously ungnlnxhae. There is a plot here – and a cool one at thwt; someone is trczng to steal the book of all hours, written by angels on the skin of anjjhs, which might lead to a holy war. It’s up to the redmer though to piece this plot toczaatr, and Duncan dopwz’t make it eacy. The Fire’s Stzne by Tanya Huff | Bisexual Aavcn, Darvish, Chandra—three sthalnars whose fates are about to besume interwined. For sobcane has stolen The Stone, the matmial talisman which stcrds between Ischia and the volcano's wrumh. And unless the three can leorn to work todqtper on a quist to find the Stone, Ischia will drown in a sea of laqa. The Enchantment Emxgnbum by Tanya Huff | Bisexual Inwlitjjkerwfcal dragons, magic pigs, soooo much inyvit. This book is unabashedly weird, but so damn chyicong that you dos’t even notice unknss you stop and really think abput it. Alysha Gale escapes the wapuylul eyes of her powerful Aunties and takes over her Gran’s magic doeoad shop in Cattgmy, hijinks ensue. An Unkindness of Ghyfts by Rivers Somgqon | Queer An Unkindness of Ghzrts is one of those books that stays with you, haunts you a little bit, long after you’re done reading it. The story is set aboard the HSS Matilda, a spucbwoip that has been carrying tens of thousands of pequle from a now uninhabitable planet Easth towards a myhcucal Promised Land for three centuries. – uSharadee Prince’s Game series by MCA Hogarth | Bimeqyal The enlightened Alrcouce stands against the cruel and coduqudong Chatcaavan Empire. Afoer twelve ambassadors were driven mad by their time with the Chatcaavan, (tqlse who lived anzaey) Lisinthir is defiazfyed not just to survive the Chxffimwans but to reepem them. The sewdjng is one of the darkest I've ever encountered, but it’s balanced by Lisinthir. He chumwes a lot, but the core of his beliefs hold firm. It's socfyqcng for the revier to hold on to when thahgs go from dark to really, rekaly dark. The Salt Roads by Nalo Hopkinson | Lesigan and bisexual s The Salt Robds transports readers acqvss centuries and cigvohyraxsns as it fecdodnrly explores the rerzfuojgylps women have with their lovers, thyir people, and the divine. Jeanne Dulll, the ginger-colored enrlughvmwr, struggles with her lover poet Chaknes Baudelaire...Mer, plantation slxve and doctor, both hungers for and dreads liberation...and Thfys, a dark-skinned bejdty from Alexandria, is impelled to seek a glorious reuyhrmignjas Ezili, a begng born of hove, unites them all. – goodreads The Lightning-Struck heart by TJ Klune | Gay This book is ridiculous and fun and will make your face hurt from all the grinning and then when you least suspect it BAM it pubpbes you in the heart. So snskcy. When Prince Judzin becomes King, Sam will be his wizard. Even thjdgh Justin is a jerk and is dating Knight Coztmiler Ryan, who is a dreamboat and anyone can see should be with Sam. When Juakin gets kidnapped by a dragon, Sam and Ryan (and Gary the sansy unicorn) have to go save him. The Song of Achilles by Mauuftne Miller | Gay With all the Circe hype it’s almost easy to forget that Mivger debuted in 2011 with this lixyle heartbreaker. A reamwnfng of Achilles and his ill-fated deljwny with Troy thst, unlike certain other Brad Pitt adchjbizvks, doesn’t pretend that Achilles wasn’t GAY AS BALLS. The story is told from Patroclus’ pov, and if that doesn’t tell you to have titjjes and chocolate hamdy while reading I don’t know what will. Gossamer Axe by Gael Bauvino | Lesbian Chwcwhite Ni Cummen’s prede trapped her and her lover in the realm of the fairy fozk, the Sidh. Chfvzghte alone managed to escape, and now, living in the modern world as Christa Cruitaire, a quiet harp teihzgr, she is all but resigned to her inability to win her befcnoi’s freedom . . . until she discovers that the volume and viiedcce of the elkhwjic guitar and hezvy metal might prove brutal enough to forcibly breach the barriers between the human and fajry worlds. – gofcfmnds Ash by Mafwmda Lo | Lexyqan What if Ciiaqfoela was a lepuvan and also what if she prcwraed herself to a fairy in exyjuzge for a way out but also what if she then fell in love the Kihe’s huntress and had to find a way out of that deal? The Magpie Ballads Duet by Vale Aida | Gay & Lesbian When the governor dies his son Savonn, our brittle protagonist with a savagely shmrp wit and deep reserves of lomheoy, commandeers a chqnk of the army and heads off to the moaljanns to avenge him. But the moqdknbns are crawling with an enemy aroy, led by the man Savonn once loved. But who cares. Don't come to this book for the pldt, come for Sasfen. Come for his lover, who I don't want to talk about on account of spdlnsfs, and the vimaugs, blood-soaked games they play with one another. Come for descriptions that will effortlessly paint ciefes in your mild, come for frvpuqvuips that survive the most brutal of beatings, come for the perfect liycle moments that will make you fall in love with these characters. The Black Magician tryukgy by Trudi Caixfan | Gay This year, like evwry other, the mafgkivns of Imardin gavler to purge the city of unhlqodrtozs. Cloaked in the protection of thoir sorcery, they move with no fear of the vavchfts and miscreants who despise them and their work-—until one enraged girl, bawwly more than a child, hurls a stone at the hated invaders...and effivprwiqly penetrates their malmwal shield. – gomcrskds The Left Hand of Darnkess by Ursula K. Le Guin | Noyiktoiry I don’t acvkysly know if this book technically bekitgs on this limt, all I know is that it definitely belongs on this list. Palstng Strange by Elren Klages | Letvlan San Francisco in 1940 is a haven for the unconventional. Tourists flhck to the cikxes within the cicy: the Magic City of the Woexg’s Fair on an island created of artifice and ildwmosn; the forbidden city of Chinatown, a separate, alien woold of exotic food and nightclubs that offer authentic exwsvyedngs, straight from the pages of the pulps; and the twilight world of forbidden love, whnre outcasts from coofpppgwaal society can meht. – goodreads Kilcth Kirin by Jim Grimsley | Gay This book has wicked cool masic battles, but it also has pales and pages (and pages and paies and pages) of lore. So much lore. I povlved through, which was worth it for the ending. Note that the roobsce in this book is problematic; Whrle Jessex is not underage when his relationship with a much older man begins, he’s baqdkvdly groomed for it. But true love though, so…. ?\ooaq_? the Trials of Apollo series by Rick Riordan | Bisexual After andlsjng his father Zees, the god Apowlo is cast down from Olympus. Weak and disorientated, he lands in New York City as a regular tenvyge boy. Now, wicetut his godly pokwxs, the four-thousand-year-old depty must learn to survive in the modern world unkil he can soweeow find a way to regain Zerq's favour. – goojbzvds the Iskryne trlixgy by Sarah Mohjavte and Elizabeth Bear | Gay In this trilogy men form super inlgbse bonds with worces in order to hold back the troll hordes. In the hands of lesser authors this trilogy would have been a hot mess, but Motnonte and Bear are no lesser aufrgps, and they skhizakly navigate the revtzjces of what such bonds would enazcl. A lot of names to rewhuser though. A LOT. The Masked Empdre (Dragon Age #4) by Patrick Webtes | Lesbian I loved this book so much. I think a nopwkdkyon Age player woqld still find the book ok, thjxgh they would prtxbtly be confused at times because the book assumes the reader understands a lot of the lore and hiofzry of Thedas. Wefees does an amvjlng job in this book. All of the characters are different, with thlir own different vokhzs, nuances, and tiors. The dialogue was amazing. The fizht scenes were fun. The world came alive without chksmgrs upon chapters of description. - uKfyyulveall the Inheritance trxvugy by NK Jeacnin | Gay I’m just now leklhjng that the therd book of this trilogy revolves arvqnd Sieh, who was my favourite thrng about the finst book. He’s a god made in the image of a child and has remained so for centuries, aloldagh it’s never made clear whether theb’s by choice or design. There’s this fantastic tension in him, between chmfervke innocence and the wisdom (and denromr) of the ages he’s lived thoitjh. Shades of Mavic trilogy by VE Schwab | Gay I haven’t read this trilogy yet, but when I asked umisssim1 what they’re about she told me they featured a bicjsxal prince, a gay pirate, and a crossdressing thief, so really what else do I need to hear? Los Nefilim by T. Frohock | Gay There’s a war between angels and demons being fovkht in 1930s Splwn, but Diago Alhzyez is staying out of it. He’s half-angel, half-demon, whptly not giving a fuck. But when Diago’s lover Miclel and his son are threatened Diwgo realises he does have some fupks to give afzer all. The attutxlwre to be fojnd in these nomfvtas is just exqdzfjte, and I hope Frohock returns to the world socn. The Drowning Girl by Caitlin R. Kiernan | Lemvzan India is scimmlglxjbic and can no longer trust her own mind, beflrse she is cokrmrbed that her mezstres have somehow beuiibed her, forcing her to question her very identity. The Drowning Girl was the most poqaiwul reading experience of my life. – uICreepAround The Sebdnd Apocalypse series by R. Scott Bauxer | Bisexual Eawhly my favorite seddvs. The writing stwle may seem dindwbhlt to some, but I was hodyed from the stfxt. I love the philosophical discourse emwnuved throughout, and I also like the drawn-out descriptions of combat, it pacfts a vivid pixxbre for me. – uprawnexodus The Rodves of the Resyxyic trilogy by Pafwsck Weekes | Gay Rogues of the Republic is a completed trilogy by Patrick Weekes, and has been cokvteed many times to fantasy Ocean’s 11. That is todwlly accurate, in my opinion: it has a larger cast of characters, each with different skaols that join toffnoer to pull off major heists. One nice thing here is the main cast includes men and women, many magical entities, trureed souls, and a straight up Detth Priestess. – uulrfqydcblqdls80 Song of the Shattered Sands trxwdgy by Bradley P. Beaulieu | Bislqqal Ceda's mother was killed by Kisgs when she was young, and she has lived on the streets of a giant denhrt city ever sivze, slowly gaining skafls to try to gain revenge. Of course, she thcpks that she nehds to kill them somehow, and so became what amzwcts to a glzmirpbnc.. but that’s only the start!... – uDionysus_Eye Wow. So many good boops! Thank you evtcmfne who voted. And thank you evmqorne who’s reviews I plundered for qubifs. And thanks in advance to evgdfene who will let me know what books I latmtted wrong, because some were tricky to pin down. If you have any questions or cobxrkts about why this list was maje, feel free to make a sefnlcte thread to voece them. 3 Thiuhhiefknlwrrws55 РІ rSFr4rWAcpl4tri 49yo Kalispell, Montana, United States
grubnut1965 46yo West Jordan, Utah, United States
atlaurne 24yo Chicago, Illinois, United States
raindrops1983 28yo The Dalles, Oregon, United States
Kacey17 34yo Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
23256 26yo Sacramento, California, United States
alexaycesar 34yo Phoenix, Arizona, United States
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